Saturday, 3 July 2010

Interesting comment on oil spill actions

Response to Yahoo News regarding oil spill
To those of you who seem upset about this mess in the Gulf not being a Democrat vs. Republican issue, may I ask if you've forgotten Katrina? Have you forgotten how the Dems vilified Bush for that? Katrina was one massive storm, that affected three states, displacing millions of people, destroying hundreds of thousands of homes, businesses, etc. Here, we have one oil well, which admittedly has given challenges never seen prior to this. One well. A Gulf full of oil. By day 3, 17 nations had volunteered their help. The Obama administration said no thanks. And here we are, day 75. The oil's still gushing, and finally, the largest ship in the world to help to clean up the mess has just arrived. So before you tie any outrage on, kindly remember what was done to Bush in a massively larger catastrophe, and have a sense of perspective. Bush in a massively larger catastrophe, and have a sense of perspective.

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