from my HTC Hero
Friday, 31 December 2010
UK time ! Brilliant !!!
@bartbonte: 2011 is Loading ██████████████████ 99 %
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from my HTC Hero
Sunday, 26 December 2010
Christmas Day 2010
Turkey, roast potatoes, peas, carrots, pork sausage meat, pork cranberry and orange stuffing, roast parsnips, sweet potatoes, 'pigs in blankets'. I was, of course, very lucky to only have to eat this lovely meal !!!
Saturday, 25 December 2010
Wednesday, 22 December 2010
Christmas Cookies: Pecan Butter Balls, Russian Tea Cakes or Mexican Wedding Cookies Recipe?
Christmas is coming, what a delicious concoction !!!
Sunday, 19 December 2010
About USPS(R) the US government agency
Meanwhile, the British Coalition government plans to privatise our Royal Mail. Nothing means anything to this penny pinching bunch of idealogues ! Labour were no better. For years profits were pooled into the government pot and little invested for the future.
Gender pay gap 'down to women's lifestyle choices' - Telegraph
At last a commonsense commentary on all those 'special' measures that are a waste of money and discriminate against men and deserving women who work for recognition and success.
Friday, 17 December 2010
Tuesday, 14 December 2010
Crime War Europe - no change !
Communist Russia and Yugoslavia at least maintained control over the tribal warlords of Kosovo and Chechnya.
Friday, 10 December 2010
Thor Halvorssen: United Nations: It's Okay to Kill the Gay
The United Nations are not 'united' and many nations are just tribes led by demogogues. The UN have let down so many peoples around the World by their ineptitude, partisanship and ineffectiveness ! Civilisation, the West, meets uncivilised, tribal, religious zealots the World over !
Isn't it about time 'we', in the civilised 'West', left this useless bunch of crooks and stopped all aid ! Why should our taxes support the filth of the World ! Without our aid to support these ghastly, intolerant regimes, maybe they will fall. Yes my views are general and maybe over the top, but tell me just what use is the United Nations ? Corrupt, wasteful, useless. Anyone agree ?
Thursday, 9 December 2010
How America will collapse (by 2025) - Mobile
Fascinating exploration of future possibilities ! Bush and Blair, the profound legacy may resound for decades.
WikiLeaks: Teenager arrested for 'revenge attacks' - Telegraph
Good !!! One down now get the rest on the scum !!
An acute case of erratic NHS care | Sue Marsh | Comment is free |
Scrap the NHS as it is. Let hospitals run as their own authority, as they were pre 1974, when they were closer to GPs and other practitioners. Then make them all independent. Introduce compulsory health insurance. Restore the direct financial and service link between GPs, hospitals and patients. Transfer social services into a new body jointly accountable to GPs and hospitals.
Government to set health policy.
December 13, 20 - Meteor showers and lunar eclipse !
@YahooNews: December promises the best meteor shower of 2010 and the only total lunar eclipse of the year:
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Tuesday, 7 December 2010
ei: The Carmel wildfire is burning all illusions in Israel
BBC News - Wikileaks defended by Anonymous hacktivists
Monday, 6 December 2010
The Globe and Mail
The most hated man in the Western World ! Ex hacker, like all of them, he has no morals whatsoever.
TechCrunch - excellent article on failing Britain !
Wish I'd got 'on a fxxxxxx plane' years ago myself when I was young and had ambitions, stifled by my homeland's broken and crime ridden over-populated 'society' !
Thursday, 2 December 2010
300 spend night on abandoned train - Yahoo! News UK
This is exactly what makes me sick about Britain ! So much else is wrong with it but of course we our priorities are to send 'top people' to FIFA to beg for the World Cup from those corrupt self-appointed crooks !!!
Laughing stock Britain ! Pathetic !!
Useless, couldn't organise a pxxx xp in a brewery ! Why is so much of Britain's infrastructure run by idiots and the rest messed up by greedy unions ?
Wednesday, 1 December 2010
WikiLeaks: guilty parties 'should face death penalty' - Telegraph
I hope the US has the guts to rid us of both these traitors !!
BBC News - Snow and ice causes disruption as cold spell continues
Another winter, another mess ! Britain never prepared, what a joke and we UK taxpayers pay £billions over the top in road and petrol tax - for this chaos.
Monday, 29 November 2010
Sunday, 28 November 2010
Railways - from The Guardian
Useless train arrangements, high petrol and other motoring taxes, poor road maintenance and winter gritting and snow clearance - yes that's Britain !
Welsh Place Names - history rubbed out !
Several Welsh counties had their historical names 'reconstructed' into Welsh. My mother was proud of be born in Monmouthshire. Gwent meaningless. That's the Welsh for you 'making' Welsh out of a language regardless of the origins of place names.
Saturday, 27 November 2010
She describes chocolate just like sex !!! Follow her on Twitter and enjoy both !!!
Thursday, 25 November 2010
Philip Lawrence's killer Learco Chindamo arrested over alleged robbery - Telegraph
Justice, what justice, what rights !! This country is a basket case !
Wednesday, 24 November 2010
Europeans training in Pakistan terrorist camps - Telegraph
The authorities should identify these fifth columnist Islamic supporting trash and remove their citizenship and deport them all if they attempt to return. Otherwise, arrest them and charge them as traitors !
ComPost - Can Palin win? Is that halibut she clubbed completely deceased?
The crazy side of American politics !
Tuesday, 23 November 2010
National Statistics Online - Inflation
The switch to CPI for pensions' inflation increases from the previous RPI (June 2010 UK budget) will effect public sector and also private sector pensions. Over time CPI will be below RPI so pensioners who paid in for their own pensions may be hit hard !
Tweet from Tweetcaster
@indiaknight: RT @LexyTopping: Where does Irish Daily Star stand on bailout blame game you think? (h/t @andrew_oxlade @micha ...
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I love it ! We need more headlines that pull no punches ! Great !!!
Sunday, 21 November 2010
Friday, 19 November 2010
Margaret Thatcher knew the single currency would devastate Europe – Telegraph Blogs
Hello fans - Thatcher, Hague and Redwood - fought to save Britain from the clutches of the EU !!!
We should leave the EU, in fact, we should never have joined the nightmare; at least we have the £pound sterling. No single currency disaster !
What the fuck has Obama done so far?
Wednesday, 17 November 2010
Early Learning Centre toy pig banned from farm set to avoid offending Muslims | Mail Online
Monday, 15 November 2010
Corned Beef 'MacKenzie' !
From ingredients to hand - corned beef, baked beans, sweetcorn, fried eggs with, black pepper, sage, tarragon, oregano. Cooked in butter and salad cream.
Friday, 12 November 2010
Thursday, 11 November 2010
Neuron September 2010
Owners of computers are seven percent more likely to graduate school (after controlling for counfounding factors such as home environment
Interactive programming on television can improve language whilst programmes like the tellytubbies damage language skills
Playing action video games is associated with a number of enhancements in vision, attention, cognition, and motor control.
Remember - 2010
Two phrases for today -
'The Eleventh Hour of the Eleventh Day of the Eleventh Month', 1918.
'At the going down of the sun, and in the morning, We will remember them'.
Tuesday, 9 November 2010
Unbelievable ! People like this do exist - be warned !
@Colin1949: Anyone know how this complete bitch can be a 'magistrate' read and react !!! RT @LauraBeddington: Stephen Fry (cont)
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BBC NEWS | World | Americas | US electoral system explained
Monday, 8 November 2010
The Institute for European Environmental Policy (IEEP) reports that indirect impacts of European Biofuel Policy will cause more CO2 emissions, not less. «
As usual, politics before the science. More money wasted and Earth's resources reduced. Population reduction is again not on the World agenda !
Sunday, 7 November 2010
Thursday, 4 November 2010
Wednesday, 3 November 2010
Do you feel Taxed Enough Already? Why is there no Tea Party in Britain? – Telegraph Blogs
Maybe a good idea, scrap PAYE, but keep out the nutters !!!
Friday, 22 October 2010
Tuesday, 19 October 2010
Brilliant spoof !
@TwitterBulletin: Must Watch! Tweet it—The Michael Jackson "Beat It" spoof
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from my HTC Hero
Monday, 18 October 2010
Saturday, 16 October 2010
Thursday, 14 October 2010
euronews - Final Chilean rescue worker hauled to safety
Video of final moments of last departing rescue worker.
Wednesday, 13 October 2010
BBC News - The big picture: Lightning strike
Flash, bang what a Liberty !
Britons use three times the planet's resources - Telegraph
So how will we stop and save ourselves ? For one thing stop overpopulation !!!
Euro 2012 qual. - Lacklustre England draw blank - Yahoo! Eurosport
Do they need a manager ? The team and manager are shyte ! The manager more so, but why keep the twat ?
RAF cuts: speech in full - Telegraph
The importance of the Royal Air Force.
Monday, 11 October 2010
In defence of the blogging masses | Krishnan Guru Murthy
Do read this commentary by @krishgm - great stuff !
Sunday, 10 October 2010
Saturday, 9 October 2010
Mobile phone health risk: Phone giants accused of burying warnings on handsets in small print | Mail Online
Have we been under an illusion ? Note the organs most likely to absorb radio frequency radiation.
Quango cuts: full list of bodies under review - Telegraph
The bonfire of Quangos begins ! At long long last !
Thursday, 7 October 2010
After firefighters watched home burn, Obion County expands subscription-only fire service to more towns « Climate Progress
'Bat shit' crazy was one reaction ! Yes, this is the danger of the fascist right in America ! Wake up to the religious nutters too !
How to Back Up Your Social Media Accounts
Facebook, Twitter et al. Want to back them up ? Read this article.
Monday, 4 October 2010
NYT: Frenzy of Rape in Congo Reveal
The UN is a waste of taxpayers money and much of Africa is a joke. Corrupt, lawless, primeval ! Why bother.
Hamburg cell at heart of terrorist plot against Europe -
We in the West must stop Islam's creeping spread and its influences and also close the mosques both used as fronts for their ghastly terrorism.
Religion in extremis must be stopped !
Saturday, 2 October 2010
Thursday, 30 September 2010
Wednesday, 22 September 2010
Saturday, 18 September 2010
Tuesday, 14 September 2010
The Guardian
Details of Eileen Nearne's spy history emerge after old correspondence and medals found among her possessions
Saturday, 11 September 2010
Thursday, 2 September 2010
Tweet from Tweetcaster
@Colin1949: New York Times lays bare illegal incompetence - So it takes the NYT to investigate not the apparently corrupt...
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Tweet from Tweetcaster
@VinoLuci: Our tweep Erica @ivoryhut lost EVERYTHING last night in a house fire. We're asking EVERYONE to help!
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The power of Twitter !
Tuesday, 31 August 2010
NYT: Does Your Language Shape How Y
Fascinating discourse on the way our own language shapes our culture, perceptions, actions and understanding.
Wednesday, 25 August 2010
RSPCA slams elephant conditions at UK zoos, calls for import ban «
Wild animals should not be in zoos ! As usual the facts were known before and nothing done about it. Typical Britain.
Monday, 23 August 2010
Motorists face £250-a-year tax to park at work - Telegraph
So much for a government stopping 'war' on the motorist. When will we, the public, ever elect a government to only tax what WE think is acceptable !
Sunday, 22 August 2010
UK government to scared to stand up for our country !
The uneducated drain on the taxpayer. Where is the education in our schools or are these issues too 'sensitive' for proper debate.
Appalling ! We've watched our country end up in this mess with nothing is done to stop the importation of such alien cultures.
The cost and suffering goes on.
World's heaviest man Paul Mason loses 20 stone after gastric bypass surgery | Mail Online
The NHS should not be used for this fat piece of garbage presumably expecting the British taxpayer to fund his treatment.
The NHS should be for those who don't abuse their bodies and they should expect better treatment and taxpayer funded hospice care when needed. We pay tax for the NHS not for the obese, alcoholic and drug abusers. Another area for serious budget cuts and elimination. Add in invitro fertilisation.
Russia in color, a century ago - The Big Picture -
Beautiful photographs of 1900s Russian Empire !
Second Hand Smoke More Harmful Than People Think
Save us all from the like in the air !
Thursday, 12 August 2010
MySpace halves UK audience - Telegraph
UK says goodbye to MySpace !!!
Saturday, 7 August 2010
The Guardian
A wonderfully written piece on that trash TV series 'Mistresses' by Grace Dent.
from my HTC Hero
Monday, 2 August 2010
TRON - lightcycle design origins ???
@io9: An incredible 1930s motorcycle that could have inspired Tron's light cycles
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Saturday, 31 July 2010
£7billion a year skimmed off our savings - Telegraph
Rip off Britain, again, yet another example of excessive profit taking and no effective regulation.
Friday, 30 July 2010
Friday, 23 July 2010
NYT: Manhattan's Rooftop Bars: Heav
Great, when in New York !!!!!
Thursday, 22 July 2010
Sunday, 4 July 2010
Ex prime ministers protection costs
Apart from the great 'Little Chef' mention and, especially, my favourite 'Olympic Breakfast', surely the costs relate, in general, to the locations visited by the protected former prime ministers. They have to be close to hand.
Saturday, 3 July 2010
Interesting comment on oil spill actions
Response to Yahoo News regarding oil spill
To those of you who seem upset about this mess in the Gulf not being a Democrat vs. Republican issue, may I ask if you've forgotten Katrina? Have you forgotten how the Dems vilified Bush for that? Katrina was one massive storm, that affected three states, displacing millions of people, destroying hundreds of thousands of homes, businesses, etc. Here, we have one oil well, which admittedly has given challenges never seen prior to this. One well. A Gulf full of oil. By day 3, 17 nations had volunteered their help. The Obama administration said no thanks. And here we are, day 75. The oil's still gushing, and finally, the largest ship in the world to help to clean up the mess has just arrived. So before you tie any outrage on, kindly remember what was done to Bush in a massively larger catastrophe, and have a sense of perspective. Bush in a massively larger catastrophe, and have a sense of perspective.
Friday, 2 July 2010
Toyota's reputation gets worse !
From Yahoo - Top story Toyota plans to recall 270,000 vehicles worldwide to fix faulty engines. Flaws in the valve springs can make a vehicle stall while it's moving, Toyota spokesman Hideaki Homma said. Although the carmaker has received hundreds of complaints about the problem, no accidents or injuries have been reported. been reported. The global recall begins on July 5, and is expected to affect the popular Crown sedan and seven Lexus models (GS 350, GS 450h, GS 460, IS 350, LS 460, LS 600h and LS 600hl). One Japanese newspaper said the recall could said the recall could cost Toyota up to $228 million, or $844 per car. Since last September, Toyota has recalled more than 10 million vehicles, mostly for potential unintended halted sales and recalled about 17,000 Lexus HS 250h hybrid 250h hybrid sedans due to a potential fuel leak.
Thursday, 1 July 2010
Nokia and Symbian going down the pan ???
I had a Nokia N95. The camera was the only good thing, endless crashes. In forlorn hope, I got the Nokia N96. Worse. Then I decided I would NEVER have another Nokia product. Now I have the HTC Hero on Android. HTC and Blackberry seem to have it right.
Wednesday, 30 June 2010
BP - serial offenders !!
Can they be any worse. Their record is stacking up as appalling. Are other oil companies as bad ? Anyone like to comment ? Bhopal, Nigeria etc.
BP, Regulators and other oil companies
When will the US government check all oil companies to ensure others are not as lamentable as BP tip proving to be ?
Tuesday, 29 June 2010
Sack Simon Burns !
The disrespectful twat !!!
Comments on 'This Week' and Diane Abbott
"Andrew Neil absolutely brilliant. Wouldn't we all like have the same opportunity to confront one of the sanctamonious hypocites who inhabit the political class such as Diane Abbot. the sanctamonious hypocites who inhabit the political class such as Diane Abbot. We really nead more of this no holds barred from our media representitives, too many duck these kind of questions afraid that interviewee's will refuse to participate in future program's. Ms Abott is everything people dispise in professional politicians,arrogant and obviously stupid, with a big chip,to go with previous comments. big chip,to go with previous comments. This is one viewer Andrew can count on in future." colin moran, sunderland
One example and yes, get Abbott off that sofa immediately. Read more click the link below.
Great World Cup comment from an American !
Extracted from online Times article by Boris Johnson, Mayor of London.
newyorka Yesterday 04:47 PM That was just painful to watch. Now i can say with pride that the U.S national soccer team played far better in this world cup than the English did.I'm sure you'll agree,just check out the quality of our goals and overall the quality of out game.We don't even take soccer that seriously yet we have a far superior team compared to a nation obsessed with it. Simply put:Stick to cricket,you guys suck at soccer.
Boris article:
Monday, 28 June 2010
EU - clarification of previous blog
Made up or whatever even the 'real' EU regulations are just a self-serving unelected bureaucracy !
Sunday, 27 June 2010
Saturday, 26 June 2010
Friday, 25 June 2010
Angel of the North a monstrosity !
Am I the only one who thinks this awful 'sculpture' despoils the landscape ? Trees before awful so called art like this shyte !
Net neutrality ???
Possible threat to current arrangements with more costs for users and more profits for ISPs.
Thursday, 24 June 2010
Remember the Torrey Canyon
Bloggers, Twitters and others, spread this story as a warning for the US authorities and others involved in the BP oil disaster. Particularly of interest is the clean up methods adopted by the French in a following oil spill.
Wednesday, 23 June 2010
BP now burning turtles !!!
Can anything get worse than this. Appalling, ignorant, stupid - when will Obama start protecting the American environment from this incompetent company.
Tuesday, 22 June 2010
Budget 2010
E&O accepted
Deficit addressed by 77% budget cut, 23% taxes.
£30bn more budget cuts. Shares in NATS and student loan book to be sold off. Civil List remains unchanged. NAO to audit. £17bn more departmental cuts. Public sector two year pay freeze. Armed forces allowance doubled. Top public sector staff only so earn 20 times lowest. Pension age to 66. Next year, benefits tied to consumer prices. Tax credits only for those under £40,000. Abolish health and pregnancy grant. Child benefit freeze for two years. Disability living allowance rate unchanged, medical assessment introduced. Housing benefit out of control, maximum limits imposed. Mortgage interest relief re- established. Threshold for employers NI raised. Corporation tax to 27% and one percent cut each year. Small companies rate?
E22%. Capital assets relief over longest period. Plant and equipment relief unchanged. Banking sector, financial activities tax, bank levy from 2011, raising 2bn. Plan to reform corporation tax.
New businesses exceptions for areas outside London and East. Tax rises, VAT 20% from 2011, same exceptions, insurance premiums raised, no change in fuel, alcohol or tobacco duties. Cider duty reduced. Council tax 1% reduction per annum. Capital gains tax, basic rate unchanged, 28% for rest from midnight. Income tax, personal allowance up £1,000. Higher rate tax unchanged. Pensioners, re link to earnings. Additional support child element of tax credit raised.
Sunday, 20 June 2010
BP's terrible legacy !!
Environmental disaster without a doubt. If proved to have cut corners and this is instrumental in this mess, BP is finished !
Worth a look !
All instant messenger programs covered in one application. There is a free Lite and a paid version.
Good riddance, 25 years too late !
Yes his parents are to blame, and their parents and so on, for affecting his upbringing but like a crazed animal ties is only one sure way to protect the innocent - execution. If there was no law then others would have got she
Friday, 18 June 2010
Sums up BP - dysfunctional
For a major international company to have two total PR twats, a CEO and a Chairman 'managing', is a pretty hard act to follow. Also, it makes one wonder how many other idiots they have in management given their overruling of technical sub contractors' warnings on the oil spill rig !!!
Good !!!
Pity it took so long to get rid of this scum. Think of the two victims shot by him and their relatives. America should stop the endless appeal processes that just make lawyers money.
Wednesday, 16 June 2010
Save the Whales !!
We knew it was wrong now we have more reason to stop whaling.#stopwhalingnow
Sunday, 13 June 2010
Scotland analysis of England's 'performance' !
For a good analysis of the useless England manager and team read this excellent analysis from The Scotsman.
The wrong ball !!! Pathetic England excuse !
Typical of the rubbish English World Cup team and manager - like the wrong snow, leaves, rain - whinging and pathetic. Funny that the Germans had no complaints - oh, wait a minute, they won !!!
Pakistan aiding Taliban
What hope is there without forcefully dealing with Pakistan ?
RT @cnni: Pakistani spy agency 'training Taliban'
Saturday, 12 June 2010
Friday, 11 June 2010
Wednesday, 9 June 2010
Nadine Dorries
THis woman is unfit to be an MP !!
Tuesday, 8 June 2010
Regulate English ?
I like my language UK English but, apart from the proper school teaching of grammar (which if bad is down to poor teaching and disinterested parents) with the availability of information for purists, to regulate it will interfere with the whole evolution of this World language. All the nuances, differences and spellings in use around the World, such as in examples of American and Australian English, surely ADD to evolution. We don't want a 'dead' language !
Stephen Fry is right to criticise any regulation. Proper English and grammar needs to be taught at school, those who stick with it are not to be criticised any more than those who evolve new colourful and slang English to add to our wonderful language.
Stop the language luddites !
Get a good English Dictionary (Oxford for example) and decide yourself. How about this one, 'E&OE'. Look it up !
Monday, 31 May 2010
Sunday, 30 May 2010
Flaws in Laws !
He had to go showing his true deceitful character.
Friday, 28 May 2010
Laws must go !!! Cracks in the coalition already !!!
He must go fast or Cameron is damaged. Another expenses cheat.
Thursday, 27 May 2010
Vintage sexist ads !!!
How times have changed !!!
Wednesday, 26 May 2010
Tuesday, 25 May 2010
Government must be government of industry !
Again, government in bed with American and BP commercial entities and not on the job ! With BP management and contracting arrangements as well, what hope is there for true professional independent government inspection to watch employee safety and environment protection ?
$€¥£ Blair ker...ching
The Blair gravy train just keeps on running !
Monday, 24 May 2010
BP's Gulf Legacy
So, will all deep sea oil rigs get properly checked, whatever the 'flag of convenience', by US authorities ???
Saturday, 22 May 2010
Thursday, 20 May 2010
Islam and Free Speech incompatible - the proof !
Be warned, there is and has been for years, an obvious danger to Western ideals of free speech, now from the 'fifth columns' prevalent in many west-facing countries.
Wednesday, 19 May 2010
Tuesday, 18 May 2010
They are scum !!!
scum noun 1. rabble, trash (chiefly U.S. & Canad.), riffraff, rubbish, dross, lowest of the low, dregs of society. (from TheFreeDictionary)
Warning dramatic video
Nestle Meets Greenpeace's Demands Following Social Media Backlash - good news for orangutans, and a victory for the Net
Sunday, 16 May 2010
The truth about Brown and Labour's spending at last revealed !
It was obvious to many that PFI was a complete scam on the taxpayer and also with the the private sector free-for-all infiltration of government, all of this has just removed full civil service and local government control of public finances for years in various areas of expenditure. Contactors should be just that, contracted to provide not manage services.
Blair was all show and Brown was his henchman and bank lover who went on to ruin us all. Some may recall thinking Northern Rock should have been left to collapse.
Welcome to Brown's true subterfuge and legacy !!!
Bad teachers have failed a generation.
The evidence of poor teaching is all around us. More honest criticism of years of failure is needed !!!
Milliband history
Two brothers in politics thanks to a mother's escape. Another fascinating story of survival.
Thursday, 13 May 2010
Matt on the General Election 2010
Matt on the General Election 2010
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Great Matt cartoons !
English should be spoken in the UK too !!!
So, like here, American identity is being subsumed by English not being the official language ! Like in the UK. Culture is bound by language which in turn, makes a nation
Tuesday, 11 May 2010
Matt on the General Election 2010
Matt on the General Election 2010
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Great Matt cartoons !
Two faced Clegg buggers Tories !!!
So now we can see what the prima donna ponce Clegg and his devious merrie men are, flash in the pan merchants hell-bent on pushing their agenda ahead of any concern for the country !
Monday, 10 May 2010
Clegg the Destroyer !
So now we see how useless Clegg and the Liberals are when matters so serious are facing the country, are seen by them as a game of ping pong ! They are a disgrace and Cameron should tell them to go to hell !
The Liberals are botching it all !!!
The Liberals are going to botch it all up, the resulting retribution will be electoral oblivion at the next General Election, with any luck !
The sooner we all vote again and choose only between Labour and Conservative the better. Forget UKIP, the fringe wacko parties and let's get on with it !!!
Darling kisses £13bn goodbye !
The EU was always going to end up as a Franco-German controlled federal Europe 'dream' and now Britain is part of the nightmare I voted against in two referenda like Tony Benn ! We could see the future what about you ?? Free trade made Britain, the EU will destroy it ! Wake up Europe !
Sunday, 9 May 2010
Friday, 7 May 2010
A floating voter's view !!!
My highlights - Goldsmith in Kramer out (Richmond), Labour out Greens in (Brighton), Smith out, Robinson out (NI).
Furious Ranmoor voters disenfranchised !!!
RT @BBCRoryCJ: Posted on YouTube - voters turned away at Ranmoor in Sheffield
Thursday, 6 May 2010
Wednesday, 5 May 2010
The world of leather !
I doubt the other 'vestiges of colonial rule' will go, such as railways which bind India and the English language which connects everyone within and without.
Tuesday, 4 May 2010
Monday, 3 May 2010
Frightmare in Sutton and Cheam !!!
Spread the word, this has to be exposed ! The nutters are here
Sunday, 2 May 2010
Dog eat dog - natures way !
This is a great article whatever one thinks, it has a Britain logic about it !
Start a Twitter # trend
I am sick of British politicians using churches, Brown today, hospitals, schools and workplaces for politics.
They should use public halls and shopping centres.
Start a Twitter trend and show we don't want the condescending bastards in 'our' places !
RT @Colin1949: Brown in a church. Anyone else think all of them using backdrops of hospitals, schools and workplaces is morally decrepit ? #nopoliticshere
Saturday, 1 May 2010
Friday, 30 April 2010
From Al Gore's blog
An Early Spring According to Reuters:"Spring comes about 10 days earlier in the United States than it did two decades ago, a consequence of climate change that favors invasive species over indigenous ones, scientists said on Tuesday.""The phenomenon known as "spring creep" has put various species of U.S. wildlife out of balance with their traditional habitats, from the rabbit-like American pika in the West to the roses and lilies in New England, the environmental experts said in a telephone news briefing."
Thursday, 29 April 2010
Tiny life left to die !
RT @TelegraphNews: Baby that survived botched abortion was rejected for cleft lip and palate
Tuesday, 27 April 2010
Saturday, 24 April 2010
Obama stays in Ashville, North Carolina
I stayed in Boone on my first visit to the State and the US. A lovely area.
Wednesday, 21 April 2010
Single ? Then you're nuts !
RT @TelegraphNews: Does being single make you bonkers? - from Twitter.
Tuesday, 20 April 2010
Lessons from History
Reasons for caution flying near volcanic ash.
Monday, 19 April 2010
BBC News
1207 Nato fighter jets have suffered engine damage after flying through volcanic ash cloud, a senior US official has said. The official gave few details except to say that a build-up of glass was found in the jet engines.
Tuesday, 13 April 2010
KFC's latest junk food offering !
Sunday, 11 April 2010
Wednesday, 7 April 2010
Tuesday, 30 March 2010
Thursday, 25 March 2010
Budget 2010 - check official sources
Monday, 22 March 2010
Tuesday, 16 March 2010
Thursday, 11 March 2010
Thursday, 11 February 2010
More public money !
Sent from my HTC
Thursday, 28 January 2010
Saturday, 23 January 2010
Carvery at The Old Tollgate
follow this link:
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Tuesday, 19 January 2010
Sent from my HTC
Saturday, 16 January 2010
Haiti Earthquake
Thursday, 14 January 2010
UK snow - roads and pavements
What exactly does the British taxpayer, motoring, individual and corporate, expect from government, local and central, in regards to infrastructure maintenance ? What should the commuter expect for their expensive yet poor train and bus services ?
Perhaps companies could sue for loss of income due to staff being unable to get to work and insurance companies for payments caused by accidents resulting from road conditions. Surely not an 'act of God' !
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