Sunday, 28 November 2010

Railways - from The Guardian

Useless train arrangements, high petrol and other motoring taxes, poor road maintenance and winter gritting and snow clearance - yes that's Britain !

Welsh Place Names - history rubbed out !

Several Welsh counties had their historical names 'reconstructed' into Welsh. My mother was proud of be born in Monmouthshire. Gwent meaningless. That's the Welsh for you 'making' Welsh out of a language regardless of the origins of place names.

Wednesday, 24 November 2010

Tuesday, 23 November 2010

National Statistics Online - Inflation

The switch to CPI for pensions' inflation increases from the previous RPI (June 2010 UK budget) will effect public sector and also private sector pensions. Over time CPI will be below RPI so pensioners who paid in for their own pensions may be hit hard !

Tweet from Tweetcaster

@indiaknight: RT @LexyTopping: Where does Irish Daily Star stand on bailout blame game you think? (h/t @andrew_oxlade @micha ...
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I love it ! We need more headlines that pull no punches ! Great !!!

Sunday, 21 November 2010

Chicken, buttered carrots and potatoes. Salad cream, pepper.

Lovely ! Just going to eat it ! Glass of milk too.

Friday, 19 November 2010

Margaret Thatcher knew the single currency would devastate Europe – Telegraph Blogs

Margaret Thatcher knew the single currency would devastate Europe – Telegraph Blogs

Hello fans - Thatcher, Hague and Redwood - fought to save Britain from the clutches of the EU !!!

We should leave the EU, in fact, we should never have joined the nightmare; at least we have the £pound sterling. No single currency disaster !

What the fuck has Obama done so far?

What the fuck has Obama done so far? Hello fans - Just in case you didn't know !

Wednesday, 17 November 2010

Early Learning Centre toy pig banned from farm set to avoid offending Muslims | Mail Online

Early Learning Centre toy pig banned from farm set to avoid offending Muslims | Mail Online Hello fans - This story shows how British culture continues to be under attack. This insidious creep of 'political correctness' is a danger to our once proud freedoms of speech, action within the law, tolerance and ideology. The British way of life.

Monday, 15 November 2010

Corned Beef 'MacKenzie' !

From ingredients to hand - corned beef, baked beans, sweetcorn, fried eggs with, black pepper, sage, tarragon, oregano. Cooked in butter and salad cream.

Thursday, 11 November 2010

Neuron September 2010

Owners of computers are seven percent more likely to graduate school (after controlling for counfounding factors such as home environment

Interactive programming on television can improve language whilst programmes like the tellytubbies damage language skills

Playing  action video games is associated with a number of enhancements in vision, attention, cognition, and motor control.

Remember - 2010

Two phrases for today -

'The Eleventh Hour of the Eleventh Day of the Eleventh Month', 1918.

'At the going down of the sun, and in the morning, We will remember them'.


Bomb timed to explode over U.S.' East Coast -

World News Blog - Dying to tell the story

Tuesday, 9 November 2010

Unbelievable ! People like this do exist - be warned !

@Colin1949: Anyone know how this complete bitch can be a 'magistrate' read and react !!! RT @LauraBeddington: Stephen Fry (cont)
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BBC NEWS | World | Americas | US electoral system explained

BBC NEWS | World | Americas | US electoral system explained Hello fans - This backs up my numerous comments on Twitter (@colin1949) in support of the US Primary electoral system that, if we had it in the UK, would enable MPs seeking election to be chosen before an election. This would stop nutters serving when another better candidate of the same Party could be chosen.

Sunday, 7 November 2010